Google now supports you in entering addresses and corporate customers. We do not transmit any customer-specific data to Google; Google is only used for searches.
Entering addresses
When you enter addresses, you will immediately receive suggestions with possible addresses.
For example, you can also add the house number in one step. When the desired address appears, simply click on the relevant entry and other information such as the zip code will be added automatically. You can also ignore the suggestions.
Entering Corporate Customers
When you enter corporate customers, you will see a list of possible companies to choose from.
When the desired company appears, simply click on the respective entry. All other information available in Google, such as the address or homepage, will be added automatically. You can also ignore the suggestions.
Map in the corporate and private customer detail view with route planning
If you click on the address of your customers in the detailed view, a map will open. From here you can access Google route planning or the Google view with all available information.
For users with administrator rights: Restriction of suggested addresses in the country selection
If, for example, your company is only active in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, it makes little sense for corporate customers and addresses from other countries to be suggested to you.
You can therefore limit the countries in the administration under "Country Selection". If no countries are selected here, addresses from the country that the user has selected in their profile will be displayed.
If no countries are selected or if more than 15 countries are chosen, the search will not be restricted, and autocompletion results will include addresses from around the world.
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