1.1. Switching between card and list view
1.2.1. Sorting in the Kanban Board (card view)
1.3.1. Sorting in the card view
2. Information displayed in the card and list view
3. Functions in the project overview or pipeline view
4. Creating new projects, customers, contacts with the central “+”
5.1. Global search, which takes you directly to the detailed view
5.2. Example: Search for projects only
5.3. Alternatively: Search in the view
6. Selection of projects assigned to a specific user or team
7.2. Changing the language, number, date and time format
7.4. Selecting screen scaling or the size of the displayed content
1. General information
1.1. Switching between card and list view
In the sales projects view, you have the choice between the Kanban board (card view) or the list view. With the highlighted button, you can switch between the Kanban board (card view) and the list view.
1.2. Kanban Board (card view)
The Kanban Board shows all sales projects in a sales process by status/phase. Projects can be moved using drag & drop.
As an alternative to drag & drop, projects can also be moved using this button.
If you click on the double arrow, a selection of all phases to which you can move appears.
At the same time, you can change the sales process and the consultant.
1.2.1. Sorting in the Kanban Board (card view)
You can use the button on the right to define the sorting in the Kanban board. Sorting: If you click once on a selection (e.g. volume), it is sorted from bottom to top; if you click twice, the sorting changes from top to bottom.
1.3. List view
In the list view, the sales projects in the selected phase are displayed.
By selecting a specific process phase (in this case phase 3) or clicking on this phase, the list of projects is restricted to those projects that are currently in phase 3.
However, you can also select more than one phase by holding the Shift key to filter all projects that are in the first and second phase, for example.
The projects can also be moved here using drag & drop.
As an alternative to drag & drop, projects can also be moved using these buttons. If you click on the first arrow, projects are moved to the next phase. If you click on the double arrow, a selection of all phases to which projects can be moved appears. At the same time, you can change the sales process and the consultant.
1.3.1. Sorting in the card view
By clicking on the column titles, you can define the sorting in the list view. Sorting: If you click once on a selection (e.g. volume), the sorting is from bottom to top; if you click twice, the sorting changes from top to bottom.
2. Information displayed in the card and list view
The information displayed in the Kanban Board in the card and in the list view can be defined by a user with administrator rights in the administration under Customer data/Overview.
3. Functions in the project overview or pipeline view
A sales process consists of several sales phases. Sales projects become either “Won Projects” or “Lost Projects”.
SELLSATION recognizes 4 different types of phases:
- Phases for open projects, i.e. those whose completion is still pending.
SELLSATION has a “special” phase divided into 3 parts, which contains the follow-up stage, the won and the lost projects. This phase can be freely positioned by the administrator. However, it is important to know that all phases to the left of this special phase are reserved for open projects. Accordingly, all phases to the right of it are reserved for won projects.
- Phase(s) for won projects, i.e. those that have been successfully completed (in the example below the stage is named "Contract").
- A phase for lost projects (in the example below the stage is names "Lost").
- A stage for "On-Hold" for projects that are open but have been put on "On-Hold" and removed from the sales process due to a postponement in the schedule, for example. This function can be used if, for example, a customer only wants to be contacted at a certain point in time. The project is in the "On-Hold" phase until the time entered and then automatically switches back to the original or first sales phase, as required. You are also reminded of the appointment in the calendar. Of course you can rename the "On-Hold" stage, like the title of any other stage.
Another important point to understand is that all open projects have a so-called probability of completion < / = 100%. SELLSATION offers numerous options for determining these probabilities, which is why we have dedicated a separate article to this point.
All won projects are calculated with a completion probability = 100%, as they are already considered completed.
Projects in the red zone are considered lost, the probability of completion is calculated at 0%.
The numbered, highlighted elements have the following meaning/function:
A: Selection of sales processes: If your Sellsation has more than one sales process, for example for different customer or product categories, you can use this dropdown to select the desired sales process.
B: You can use this dropdown to expand or restrict the list. The options are:
- All
- Open projects
- Won projects
- Lost projects
This allows you to easily filter cross-phase lists.
C: This field shows the number of projects displayed in the list and their volume total.
D: The search function - in contrast to the global search (in the main menu) - here you only search for projects in the selected sales process.
E: The filter function, which you can use to filter according to various other criteria in order to limit the number of projects in the list.
F: Here you can switch between tile and list view
G: Here you can export the data displayed in the list view to a CSV file
4. Create new projects, customers, contacts with the central "+"
The central "+", which you will find at the top left of every page next to the main menu, is divided into two parts. If you click on the blue "+", the context-dependent action on the opened page opens directly.
For example, if you are on the project overview, a mouse click opens the window for creating a project directly.
If you click on the down arrow, several options open up. Projects, customers, contacts, tasks and activities (appointments, calls, notes and other activities) can always be created here, regardless of which page you are on.
The context-dependent action is marked with a blue “+”. In the project overview, this is the creation of a project.
4.1. Creating new projects
If you create projects with the central “+”, you can create projects and customers in one step or create projects for existing customers. In our example we show a SELLSATION version where you can create both corporate and private customers.
The administrator can specify whether there are corporate and/or private customers in your system or change the order of selection when creating projects. You can find more information on this in the article: How to map your data in SELLSATION - creating information fields for customers, projects and contact persons.
At the top right (see marking in the image below) you now have the choice of whether you want to create a project for a new corporate customer or a new private customer, provided that both corporate and private customers are configured in your system. You can also create a project for an existing customer. The selection is saved by user.
A duplicate check is also carried out when entering new customers.
If there are several customer relationships or there is user-defined customer or project information on the first page of the detailed view, you also have the selection “Show more”, then these fields are also displayed in the first tab of the entry screen. This selection is saved by user.
If you click on the first “Show more” button in our example, other customer relationships will also be displayed - if you have configured any.
The project, customer and account person creation screen can have several tabs (see marking). Tabs that contain mandatory fields are marked with a red star. Administrators can define fields and mandatory fields. You can find more information on this in the article: How to map your data in SELLSATION - creating information fields for customers, projects and contact persons.
All fields can be selected in the creation screen, or you can also do this in the detailed view. However, mandatory fields must be filled in when creating the project.
If you click on the save button when creating the project, the project is created in the first phase of the visible and selected sales process; you can also change the sales process (see image below, upper marking).
Alternatively, you can also click on the “>>” symbol and move the project directly to the desired phase and also change the sales process or the project consultant (see image below, lower marker).
When you create a project and/or a customer, you can use the “Open detailed view afterwards” function (see marking in the image below) to switch to the detailed view directly after creation. This selection is saved for the user, which means you do not need to make it again each time.
If you want to create projects for existing customers, select the existing customer. However, you can also create in this view new customers for a project using the "+" marked with an arrow. In this case, the customer creation screen opens.
4.2. Create new customers
If your company has both corporate and private customers, you can select which type of customer you want to create in the customer creation screen in the highlighted area at the bottom of the screen. This selection is saved by user.
Users with administrator rights can make the settings as to whether corporate and/or private customers can be created. You can find more information on this in the article: Data Structure: How to map your data in SELLSATION.
The project, customer and contact person creation screens can have several tabs (see marking). Tabs that contain mandatory fields are marked with a red star.
You can also select "Show more" in the customer creation screen if there is user-defined customer information on the first page of the detailed view. These fields are then also displayed in the first tab of the entry screen. This selection is saved by user.
After we have clicked on "Show more" in our example, the additional fields appear:
When you create a customer, you can use the "Open detailed view afterwards" function (see marking in the image below) to switch to the detailed view directly after creation. This selection is saved for the user, which means you do not need to make it again each time.
5. Search
5.1. Global search, which takes you directly to the detailed view
You can use the global search to search for projects, customers and other elements.
You can use the cogwheel to set which entities you want to search for.
5.2. Example: Search for projects only
If you only want to search for “Projects”, please click on the cogwheel and select only “Projects” or “Commissions”. The selection is saved.
5.3. Alternative: Search in the project overview
Using the search field below, you can see the search results displayed in the sales project overview and other overviews (customers, contacts) and then go to the detailed view.
6. Selection of projects that are assigned to a specific user or team
Depending on your authorization, you can choose between the team view, the views of your employees or your own view.
7. Personal settings
Next to your name, in the black bar at the bottom left, you can access your personal settings using the blue cogwheel (see marking). Please note that you can expand and collapse the black bar with the highlighted symbol at the top.
7.1. Changing the password
You can change the password here.
7.2. Changing the language, number, date and time format
Here you can change the language, number, date and time format.
7.3. Selecting the start page
Under the personal settings at the bottom left of the cogwheel next to your name, you can define the start page. In some cases, it may be useful to define the customer overview as the start page.
7.4. Selecting the screen scaling or the size of the displayed content
In the personal settings at the bottom left of the cogwheel next to your name, you can change the screen scaling and thus set the size of the content displayed.
You can find more information on basic functions in the article: First steps in SELLSATION
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at support@sellsation.com - we look forward to your feedback!
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